• Kairos Palestine Easter Appeal 2024
    This Easter, the genocidal war and humanitarian crisis in Gaza compels us to issue an Easter Appeal for your financial support as well as your prayers, advocacy and lobby for the people of Gaza—our Muslim and Christian siblings suffering the physical, emotional, structural and cultural effects of a growing genocide on the part of the State of Israel.
  • Kairos Christmas Alert 2023
    In this 2023 Christmas Alert, Kairos Palestine points to the dire, tragic situation of the Palestinians in Gaza. It provides theological reflections and prayers to encourage deeper solidarity and more meaningful actions.
  • Palestinian Christians the forcible displacement and dispossession continues
    To commemorate 75 years of Nakba, BADIL Resource Center and Kairos Palestine have collaboratively produced a joint document addressing the situation of Palestinian Christians, focusing on their ongoing displacement, dispossession and denial of self-determination
  • A dossier on Israeli Apartheid: A Pressing Call to Churches Around the World
    We, members of Kairos Palestine and Global Kairos for Justice, have created a theological study for Christians and other civil society organizations who want to learn more about the crime of apartheid and why Palestinians and a growing number of churches and human rights organizations are using the word to describe Israel’s oppression of Palestinians.
  • Kairos Christmas Alert 2021
    This year the Christmas Alert includes Human Stories from Palestinians in all areas of Palestine; West Bank, Gaza, Jerusalem, the 1948 occupied Palestinian cities and the Diaspora.
  • Kairos Easter Alert 2021
    The religious importance of Jerusalem. Jerusalem: a cause of violence or an instrument of peace? Jerusalem, a divided or united city? Jerusalem is the road to a global peace.
  • Kairos Christmas Alert 2020
    This year the Christmas Alert shed light on the importance of restoring a new hope for Palestine amidst the new happenings worldwide that are affecting Palestine.
  • Kairos Christmas Alert 2018
    This year the Christmas Alert shed light on the importance of restoring a new hope for Palestine, the Middle East and the World.
  • Kairos Christmas Alert 2016
    Focused on the children of Palestine, this resource allows us an insight into the lives of a generation who face displacement, eviction, violence and chaos almost every day of their lives.

About Us

We are a Christian Palestinian movement, born out of the Kairos Document, which advocates for ending the Israeli occupation and achieving a just solution to the conflict.

The Kairos Document is the word of Christian Palestinians to the world about what is happening in Palestine.

“Our word is a cry of hope, with love, prayer and faith in God. We address it first of all to ourselves and then to all the churches and Christians in the world, asking them to stand against injustice and apartheid, urging them to work for a just peace.”

We proclaim our word based on our Christian faith and our sense of Palestinian belonging – a word of faith, hope and love.

We declare that the military occupation of Palestinian land constitutes a sin against God and humanity. Any theology that legitimizes the occupation and justifies crimes perpetrated against the Palestinian people lies far from Christian teachings.

We urge the international community to stand with the Palestinian people in their struggle against oppression, displacement, and apartheid.

We demand that all people, political leaders and decision-makers put pressure on Israel and take legal measures in order to oblige its government to end its oppression and disregard for international law.

We hold a clear position that non-violent resistance to this injustice is a right and duty for all Palestinians, including Christians.

We support Palestinian civil society organizations, international NGOs and religious institutions that call on individuals, companies and states to engage in boycotts, divestment and sanctions against the Israeli occupation.

“Everything that happens in our land, everyone who lives there, all the pains and hopes, all the injustice and all the efforts to stop this injustice, are part and parcel of the prayer of the Palestinian Church and the service of all her institutions.”


Kairos Palestine: A moment of truth
East Jerusalem
P.O.Box 19023

Phone: +970 (2) 277 0047
Fax: +970 (2) 277 0048

Email: kairos@kairospalestine.ps