On 17 April , 1500 Palestinian political prisoners announced a general strike, fasting until their rights and demands are met. Their demands are mainly an end to administrative detention that is totally illegal under international law. They demand adequate visiting time and conditions.
With 6500 prisoners today in Israeli prisons , 300 of them are children, 13 are democratically elected parliamentarians. They all face harsh and inhuman treatment against all human rights.
Kairos Palestine fully supports the prisoners demands and pray for their courage and their families’ resilience especially because their limited movement freedom to visit due to the closure of the Palestinian Territories and the permit system. Kairos demands adequate health treatment and conditions for the sick prisoners and closure of the prison health facilities while referring patients to proper health facilities.
Kairos Palestine sees God’s given dignity in every prisoner as a human being. Thus calls every soul to stand up for the prisoners cause as they risk their lives in such a strike . Those prisoners who are fighting for freedom in the first place.